Anzumura(apricot village) charter / banquet information

In Anzumura(apricot village), we will accept store reservations and banquets for more than 10 people and 25 people.
The inside of the store can be removed on the one floor and used on one floor. Please use it for various occasions such as off-line parties, birthday celebrations, and game competitions.
* A total of two monitors can be rented, one for each 26/27 inch monitor. Audio equipment can be used freely, and music CDs, data CDs, USBs, and output from smartphones are possible, so please use your favorite music.
Charter / banquet price guide
Meal buffet style.
We offer platter pasta dishes + platter rice dishes + platter desserts.
You can bring your own liquor.
* For soft drinks, please order at a basic additional charge.
- 平日:お一人様 ¥2,000〜
- 土日、祝日:お一人様 ¥3,000〜
Please feel free to contact us about the contents of the charter / banquet.
Meals and services can be changed according to the budget of each person.